Online Safety

Worried about your child online? 

The digital world, including the internet & social media, is constantly evolving and provides excellent opportunities for students to learn from experts all over the world, interact with people from different cultures and develop their digital and creative skills. 

We at Pioneer House want to encourage our students to become digital natives in a safe and responsible way. 

To keep students up to date and remind them of the key messages we revisit digital safety each term. We work with students to help them understand the importance of protecting themselves, being digitally responsible and respectful and knowing how to report anything that they are not happy with. 

Opportunities are also provided for students to learn about digital safety in more detail during Computing lessons 

We want our students to work together as a community to ensure that all students are successful, happy and creative in the ever expanding digital environment. 

Digital Parenting Checklist: 

Rules: Don’t be afraid to set boundaries & rules just as you would in day to day life. 

Understand: Have a go at the technologies yourself. Ask your child to help set you up & explain it to you. 

Talk: Spread the word about Digital safety. Going to friend’s houses or looking on friend’s phones can be an issue if we aren’t all working together. Also, talk to your children about what they are doing online & what new, exciting things they are using. 

Controls: Make full use of all Parental controls, privacy settings and safety options. 

Encourage: The Digital World is a powerful & useful tool. Encourage your children to use the internet openly in a shared environment e.g. the living room 

Devices: Understand the capabilities, print out the shopper’s guides, agree a set of family ‘rules’. 

Online Safety Guides